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Socrates Said," Let foods be your medicine and let medicine be your foods". Let us all practice the values of the past wisdom to build a letter living and living health while we enjoy the delicious drinks
The Curable Smoothies
Socrates Said," Let foods be your medicine and let medicine be your foods". Let us all practice the values of the past wisdom to build a letter living and living health while we enjoy the delicious drinks
Ovarian Cyst Miracle (tm)
Natural Medicine for Fatty Liver And Obesity Reversal
Sunday, August 27, 2023
#Healthyfood #ManukaHoney (MH) and #TualangHoney (TH) Process Anti Proliferation, Invasiveness, and Angiogenic Activities Against the Onset of #BreastCancer, Scientists Find
Scientists may have found a sweet whole food that processes a strong effect in the prevention and treatment of breast cancer, according to some studies.
Breast cancer is a medical condition characterized by cell growth irregularly and disorderly in the breast tissue.
Most cases of breast cancer start in the cells on the surface of the inner lining of the breast tissue before spreading into deeper layers of the breast.
In the early stage, most patients with breast cancer may experience lumps on the breast or surrounding the breast.
However, breast skin irritation or dimpling, nipple pain, nipple retraction (turning inward), redness, and scaliness that cannot be healed within 3 weeks are also the signs and symptoms of breast cancer.
At the later stage, after colonizing most part of the breast, the breast cancer cell may travel a distance far the way to infect other healthy cells and tissue.
In Canada, according to the statistic, 11% of women will develop breast cancer by the time they reach 90 years of age.
Just about 20% of breast cancers in Canada are diagnosed in women under 50, while almost 30% are diagnosed in women over 70 years of age.
These results suggested that the most common risk factor to fuel the onset of breast cancer is the increase in age.
In the concern of the increasing number of studies indicates that the strength and even direction of the association between breast cancer and established risk factors differ according to the woman's age when she develops the disease, Dr. Tryggvadóttir L, the lead scientist. according to the result of the study of a cohort of 80.219 women attending population-based cervical and breast cancer screening in Iceland, 1120 cases were identified, aged 26-90 years at diagnosis, and 10,537 controls, individually matched to the cases on birth year and age when attending wrote at the final report, "age at diagnosis should be taken into account when studying the effects of breast cancer risk factors".
Sadly to let you know that 60% of women who carry the genetic mutation of gene BRCA1 and 2 have breast cancer developed before the age of 70.
Other risk factors associated with the onset of breast cancer are reproductive history having a dense breast, personal and family history, previous intake of drug diethylstilbestrol (DES), previous radiotherapy.
Regardless of all risk factors, women breast self-examinations are still the most important methods to have breast cancer diagnosed early and increase the years of survival.
According to worldwide statistics, the 5 survival rate of the early stage of breast cancer is 100%.
Honey is a miraculous product made by bees using nectar from flowers.
The rich golden liquid is considered one of healthy sweet food for replacing the use of white sugar and artificial sweetener by many people.
In finding natural compounds in cancer therapy, researchers at the United Arab Emirates University conducted an experiment to test the underlying mechanism and molecular targets of manuka honey (MH) on proliferation, invasiveness, and angiogenic potential were investigated using two human breast cancer cell lines, the triple-negative MDA-MB-231 cells and estrogen receptor-positive MCF-7 cells, and the non-neoplastic breast epithelial MCF-10A cell line.
Infection of MH at concentrations of 0.3-1.25% (w/v) induced a dose-dependent inhibition of the proliferation of MDA-MB-231 and MCF-7, but not MCF-10A, cells.
At higher concentrations (>2.5%), MH was found to be generally deleterious to the growth of all three cell lines.
MH induced apoptosis of MDA-MB-231 cells through the activation of proteins associated with cell death programming and cancer cells apoptosis correlated with a loss of proteins associated with cancer cell proliferation.
Furthermore, low concentrations of MH (0.03-1.25% w/v) induced a rapid reduction in tyrosine-phosphorylated STAT3 (pY-STAT3) involved in cell growth and division in MDA-MB-231 and MCF-7 cells.
The maximum inhibition of pY-STAT3 was observed at 1 h with a loss of >80% and coincided with decreased interleukin-6 (IL-6) production.
These results suggested manuka honey (MH) inhibits breast cancer cell lines through many different mechanisms.
A total of 50 nulliparous female Sprague-Dawley rats were grouped as follows: Group 0 (healthy normal rats control), Group 1 (negative control; untreated rats), Groups 2, 3, and 4 received daily doses of 0.2, 1.0, and 2.0 g/kg body weight of TH, respectively. The rats in groups 1, 2, 3, and 4 were induced with 80 mg/kg of 1-methyl-1-nitrosourea (MNU) to examine the effects of Tualang honey (TH) against breast cancer.
The TH-treated rats showed a reduction of tumor progression (mean 75.3 days versus 51.5 days) compared to control.
The incidence (mean 76.6% versus 100%); the multiplicity (mean 2.5 versus 4 tumor masses per rat); the size of tumor mass (mean 0.41 cm versus 1.47 cm [p < 0.05]) and the weight of the tumor mass (mean 1.22 g versus 3.23 g; [p < 0.05]) also lower in the TH treated rats compared to control.
The grade of breast cancer is lower (I and II) compared to control (Grade III),
The efficacy of TH treatment in reducing the expression of breast cancer was attributed to the lower anti-apoptotic proteins (E2, ESR1, and Bcl-xL) expression and a higher pro-apoptotic proteins (Apaf-1 and Caspase-9) expression at serum and on the cancer tissue level.
The breast cancer size breast in the TH-treated groups was smaller mean tumor size (≤ 2 cm3) compared to Controls (≤ 8 cm3). The number of cancers developing in TH-treated groups was also significantly lower.
More importantly, an increasing trend of the apoptotic index (AI) was found in TH-treated groups with an increasing dosage of Tualang Honey compared to control.
Taken together, adding a portion of honey into a women's diet may have a potential effect in reducing the risk of breast cancer.
And honey may be considered an adjunct therapy combined with the primary medicine for the treatment of breast cancer.
Natural Medicine for Fatty Liver And Obesity Reversal - The Revolutionary Findings To Achieve Optimal Health And Lose Weight
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Back to Kyle J. Norton's Homepage
Author Biography
Kyle J. Norton (Scholar, Master of Nutrition, All right reserved)
Health article writer and researcher; Over 10.000 articles and research papers have been written and published online, including worldwide health, ezine articles, article base, health blogs, self-growth, best before it's news, the Karate GB Daily, etc.,.
Named TOP 50 MEDICAL ESSAYS FOR ARTISTS & AUTHORS TO READ by Named 50 of the best health Tweeters Canada - Huffington Post
Nominated for shorty award over last 4 years
Some articles have been used as references in medical research, such as the international journal Pharma and Bioscience, ISSN 0975-6299.
(1) The IL-6/STAT3 Signaling Pathway Is an Early Target of Manuka Honey-Induced Suppression of Human Breast Cancer Cells by Aryappalli P1, Al-Qubaisi SS1, Attoub S2, George JA1,3, Arafat K2, Ramadi KB1, Mohamed YA1, Al-Dhaheri MM1, Al-Sbiei A1, Fernandez-Cabezudo MJ3, Al-Ramadi BK. (PubMed)
(2) The anti-cancer effects of Tualang honey in modulating breast carcinogenesis: an experimental animal study by Ahmed S1,2, Othman NH. (PubMed)
(3) Inhibitory effects of Tualang Honey on experimental breast cancer in rats: a preliminary study by Kadir EA1, Sulaiman SA, Yahya NK, Othman NH. (PubMed)
(4) Breast cancer risk factors and age at diagnosis: an Icelandic cohort study by Tryggvadóttir L1, Tulinius H, Eyfjord JE, Sigurvinsson T. (PubMed)
Saturday, August 12, 2023
Healthy Food Cabbage Protects the Liver Against Injury
The liver is the largest internal organ in the human body and played an essential role in filtering blood from the intestine before passing them to other parts of the body.
The organ also produced cholesterol, a waxy substance that is needed to aid digestion and build strong cell membranes, production of steroid hormones, and vitamins.
Liver injury may be a result caused by physical impact or penetrating trauma. In some cases, liver injury can also be induced by toxicity, leading to acute liver injury.
Liver injury can be mild or severe. In a mild case, liver injury can recover itself. However, in severe cases. surgery to stop the bleeding and remove the part of the injury may be necessary.
According to the statistics, liver injury has been found to constitute 5% of all traumas, making it the most common abdominal injury.
Other most common symptoms associated with liver injury are shocks due to severe bleeding inducing a rapid heart rate, rapid breathing, and cold, clammy, pale or bluish skin.
In some cases, blood accumulated in the abdomen may irritate the abdominal tissue, leading to symptoms of abdominal pain and swelling and tenderness.
The severity of a liver injury can be diagnosed by computed tomography (CT) or ultrasonography.
Depending on the size of the wound, most cases of liver injury are healed by itself. However, in severe cases, hospitalization may be necessary if the bleeding does not stop.
The most common cause of liver injury is an overdose of medicine which has been found to be the number 1 factor.
Cabbage is a species of Brassica oleracea belongings to the family Brassicaceae (or Cruciferae), native to the Mediterranean region along the seacoast. The veggie has a short stem with a crowded mass of leaves, usually green but in some varieties, it may be red or purplish.
To findings a natural whole for the improvement of liver diseases, researchers examined the hepatoprotective properties of the essential oil (EO) from white cabbage.
On acute carbon tetrachloride (CT)-induced liver damage,
* Bocfal EO contained organic polysulphides (OPSs), such as dimethyl trisulphide (DMTS) 65.43 ± 4.92% and dimethyl disulphide (DMDS) 19.29 ± 2.16% as major constituents.
* Bocfal EO and DMTS were found to be potent TBARS, a byproduct of lipid peroxidation inhibitors with IC50 values of 0.51 and 3 mg/L, respectively.
* Bocfal EO demonstrated better hepatoprotective properties than did DADS (p < 0.05), although both slightly affected the hepatic parenchyma per se.
Based on the findings, researchers said, "The antioxidant properties of Bocfal EO and DMTS may be the mechanism of hepatoprotective action; the parenchymal disturbances by Bocfal EO or DADS alone may be related to the high doses used".
Taken together, cabbage process anti-liver injury, pending the confirmation of the larger sample size and multicenter human study.
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Back to Kyle J. Norton's Homepage
Author Biography
Kyle J. Norton (Scholar, Master of Nutrition, All right reserved)
Health article writer and researcher; Over 10.000 articles and research papers have been written and published online, including worldwide health, ezine articles, article base, health blogs, self-growth, best before it's news, the karate GB Daily, etc.,.
Named TOP 50 MEDICAL ESSAYS FOR ARTISTS & AUTHORS TO READ by Named 50 of the best health Tweeters Canada - Huffington Post
Nominated for shorty award over last 4 years
Some articles have been used as references in medical research, such as the Karateinternational journal Pharma and Bioscience, ISSN 0975-6299.
(1) Evaluation of antioxidant and hepatoprotective effects of white cabbage essential oil by Morales-López J1, Centeno-Álvarez M2, Nieto-Camacho A3, López MG4, Pérez-Hernández E5, Pérez-Hernández N1, Fernández-Martínez E. (PubMed).
Tuesday, May 16, 2023
#Onion Inhibits the Risk of #CardiovascularDisease, Researchers Suggest
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a class of diseases associated with blood vessels caused by narrowed or blocked blood vessels that can lead to a heart attack and stroke.
The heart formed part of the circulatory system is a muscular organ pumping blood through the blood vessels to nourish the cells, tissues, and organs in the body.
Heart disease is a class of conditions associated with reduced function of the heart due to damage to the structure, including the heart muscle.
According to the statistics provided by the WHO, CVD is the number 1 cause of death globally. In other words, 31% of all global deaths are CVD.
A stroke is an emergency event caused by a blood vessel in the brain ruptures that lead to depriving oxygen in the brain cells causing the death of neurons.
According to the statistics, stroke is a leading cause of serious, long-term disability in the United States. Every year, approximately 795,000 people suffer a stroke. About 600,000 of these are first attacks, and 185,000 are recurrent attacks.
Believe it or not, 3/4 cases of stroke are in patients over 65 years of age.
There is no single cause of CVD. The most prevalent factors associated with the risk of CVD are
aging, male gender, ethnicity, smoking, metabolic syndrome including high blood pressure, sugar, and cholesterol, physical inactivity, overweight, and obesity.
However, some researchers suggested that the increased metabolic syndrome at the alarming rate correlated to the high rate of CVD onset over the past few decades probably is associated with the promotion of the Western diet in the US.
Dr. Mirmiran P, the lead scientist wrote, " Two major dietary patterns, Western and traditional, were identified. During a mean of 4.7 ± 1.4 years of follow-up, 57 participants experienced CVD-related events... In the fully adjusted model, we observed an increased risk of CVD-related events in the highest compared to the lowest tertile category of Western dietary pattern score (HR = 2.07, 95% CI = 1.03-4.18, P for trend = 0.01)
And, " the Western dietary pattern, characterized by higher loads of processed meats, salty snacks, sweets, and soft drinks, is a dietary risk factor for CVD in the Iranian population".
The onion is a plant in the genus Allium, belonging to the family Alliaceae, a close relation to garlic. It is often called the "king of vegetables" because of its pungent taste and found in a large number of recipes and preparations spanning almost the totality of the world's cultures.
Depending on the variety, an onion can be sharp, spicy, tangy, pungent, mild or sweet.
On finding a potent ingredient that processes cardioprotection researchers examined the Allium species, their extracts, and the chemical constituents for possible effects on cardiovascular disease risk factors.
Quercetin, a type of flavonoid found in onion-induced cardioprotection against the risk factors of cardiovascular diseases, including ischemia-reperfusion injury, cardiotoxicity, and hypertension.
In patients with atherosclerotic disease, certain formulations of garlic and/or onion protected the arteries by inhibiting the formation of plaques, and other unfavorable parameters associated with the disease onset.
Garlic and onion also exerted a significant activity against blood coagulability, a condition found in patients with cardiovascular diseases.
Risk factors associated with metabolic syndromes such as hyperlipidemia, hypertension, and hyperglycemia were also inhibited by the administration of garlic and onion in vitro, vivo, and a number of small-size human studies.
However, acute and chronic ingestion of large amounts of these plants or their extracts may cause liver and kidney toxicity.
Taken altogether, onion processed with a higher amount of onionin A (ONA) may be considered a remedy for the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases, pending the confirmation of the larger sample size and multicenter human study.
Natural Medicine for Fatty Liver And Obesity Reversal - The Revolutionary Findings To Achieve Optimal Health And Lose Weight
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Contrary To Professionals Prediction, Floaters Can Be Cured Naturally
Ovarian Cysts And PCOS Elimination
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Back to Kyle J. Norton's Homepage
Author Biography
Kyle J. Norton (Scholar, Master of Nutrition, All right reserved)
Health article writer and researcher; Over 10.000 articles and research papers have been written and published online, including worldwide health, ezine articles, article base, health blogs, self-growth, best before it's News, the Karate GB Daily, etc.,.
Named TOP 50 MEDICAL ESSAYS FOR ARTISTS & AUTHORS TO READ by Named 50 of the best health Tweeters Canada - Huffington Post
Nominated for shorty award over last 4 years
Some articles have been used as references in medical research, such as the international journal Pharma and Bioscience, ISSN 0975-6299.
(1) Cardiovascular Disease: A Target for the Pharmacological Effects of Quercetin by Gormaz JG, Quintremil S, Rodrigo R. (PubMed)
(2) Garlic (Allium sativum) and onion (Allium cepa): a review of their relationship to cardiovascular disease by Kendler BS. (PubMed)
(3) Western dietary pattern increases the risk of cardiovascular disease in Iranian adults: a prospective population-based study by Mirmiran P1, Bahadoran Z2, Vakili AZ3, Azizi F. (PubMed)
The heart formed part of the circulatory system is a muscular organ pumping blood through the blood vessels to nourish the cells, tissues, and organs in the body.
Heart disease is a class of conditions associated with reduced function of the heart due to damage to the structure, including the heart muscle.
According to the statistics provided by the WHO, CVD is the number 1 cause of death globally. In other words, 31% of all global deaths are CVD.
A stroke is an emergency event caused by a blood vessel in the brain ruptures that lead to depriving oxygen in the brain cells causing the death of neurons.
According to the statistics, stroke is a leading cause of serious, long-term disability in the United States. Every year, approximately 795,000 people suffer a stroke. About 600,000 of these are first attacks, and 185,000 are recurrent attacks.
Believe it or not, 3/4 cases of stroke are in patients over 65 years of age.
There is no single cause of CVD. The most prevalent factors associated with the risk of CVD are
aging, male gender, ethnicity, smoking, metabolic syndrome including high blood pressure, sugar, and cholesterol, physical inactivity, overweight, and obesity.
However, some researchers suggested that the increased metabolic syndrome at the alarming rate correlated to the high rate of CVD onset over the past few decades probably is associated with the promotion of the Western diet in the US.
Dr. Mirmiran P, the lead scientist wrote, " Two major dietary patterns, Western and traditional, were identified. During a mean of 4.7 ± 1.4 years of follow-up, 57 participants experienced CVD-related events... In the fully adjusted model, we observed an increased risk of CVD-related events in the highest compared to the lowest tertile category of Western dietary pattern score (HR = 2.07, 95% CI = 1.03-4.18, P for trend = 0.01)
And, " the Western dietary pattern, characterized by higher loads of processed meats, salty snacks, sweets, and soft drinks, is a dietary risk factor for CVD in the Iranian population".
The onion is a plant in the genus Allium, belonging to the family Alliaceae, a close relation to garlic. It is often called the "king of vegetables" because of its pungent taste and found in a large number of recipes and preparations spanning almost the totality of the world's cultures.
Depending on the variety, an onion can be sharp, spicy, tangy, pungent, mild or sweet.
On finding a potent ingredient that processes cardioprotection researchers examined the Allium species, their extracts, and the chemical constituents for possible effects on cardiovascular disease risk factors.
Quercetin, a type of flavonoid found in onion-induced cardioprotection against the risk factors of cardiovascular diseases, including ischemia-reperfusion injury, cardiotoxicity, and hypertension.
In patients with atherosclerotic disease, certain formulations of garlic and/or onion protected the arteries by inhibiting the formation of plaques, and other unfavorable parameters associated with the disease onset.
Garlic and onion also exerted a significant activity against blood coagulability, a condition found in patients with cardiovascular diseases.
Risk factors associated with metabolic syndromes such as hyperlipidemia, hypertension, and hyperglycemia were also inhibited by the administration of garlic and onion in vitro, vivo, and a number of small-size human studies.
However, acute and chronic ingestion of large amounts of these plants or their extracts may cause liver and kidney toxicity.
Taken altogether, onion processed with a higher amount of onionin A (ONA) may be considered a remedy for the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases, pending the confirmation of the larger sample size and multicenter human study.
Natural Medicine for Fatty Liver And Obesity Reversal - The Revolutionary Findings To Achieve Optimal Health And Lose Weight
How To Get Rid Of Eye Floaters
Contrary To Professionals Prediction, Floaters Can Be Cured Naturally
Ovarian Cysts And PCOS Elimination
Holistic System In Existence That Will Show You How To
Permanently Eliminate All Types of Ovarian Cysts Within 2 Months
Back to Kyle J. Norton's Homepage
Author Biography
Kyle J. Norton (Scholar, Master of Nutrition, All right reserved)
Health article writer and researcher; Over 10.000 articles and research papers have been written and published online, including worldwide health, ezine articles, article base, health blogs, self-growth, best before it's News, the Karate GB Daily, etc.,.
Named TOP 50 MEDICAL ESSAYS FOR ARTISTS & AUTHORS TO READ by Named 50 of the best health Tweeters Canada - Huffington Post
Nominated for shorty award over last 4 years
Some articles have been used as references in medical research, such as the international journal Pharma and Bioscience, ISSN 0975-6299.
(1) Cardiovascular Disease: A Target for the Pharmacological Effects of Quercetin by Gormaz JG, Quintremil S, Rodrigo R. (PubMed)
(2) Garlic (Allium sativum) and onion (Allium cepa): a review of their relationship to cardiovascular disease by Kendler BS. (PubMed)
(3) Western dietary pattern increases the risk of cardiovascular disease in Iranian adults: a prospective population-based study by Mirmiran P1, Bahadoran Z2, Vakili AZ3, Azizi F. (PubMed)
Friday, April 7, 2023
#Antioxidant Beta-Sitosterol Processes Anti Endometriosis in Vivo, Researchers Say
The endometrium is the inner lining of the mammalian uterus that is very susceptible to hormone change, particularly in the menstrual cycle.
The endometrium is also a reproductive organ where the implantation takes place. In the absence of periodic hormonal influence, before puberty or following menopause, this tissue has a constant morphology and thickness.
Endometriosis is a painful disorder characterized by endometrial cells that grow in another area in the reproductive organs, such as ovaries, fallopian tubes,..... and the tissue lining your pelvis, outside of the uterus.
The causes of endometriosis are debatable. Some researchers suggested that normally a layer of the endometrial lining in the inside of the uterus is expelled through menstruation, during the last stage of the menstrual cycle, instead, some of the endometrial tissues grow somewhere else in the body, causing endometriosis.
According to the stage of severity, endometriosis can be classified into,
* Minimal stage:
The top surface, few in number. Commonly they are found in the inside wall of uterus, ligaments, and ovary.
* Mild stage:
Deeper implants, greater numbers are presented. Commonly found in the same area as a minimal stage.
* Moderate stage:
Many implants, endometrial cysts present, affecting ovary function, causing scar tissues and adhesion is also present.
* Severe stage:
Intensive peritoneal implants, large endometromas present and dense adhesion.
Each woman experiences differently from endometriosis. Some women may have extensive endometrial tissues in their body but feel little or no pain at all, while other women may only be in the early stage of endometriosis but have excessive pain.
Beta-Sitosterol is a phytochemical in the class of phytosterols, belongings to the group of Lipids, found abundantly in avocados, rice bran, wheat germ, corn oils, fennel, peanuts, soybeans, hawthorn, basil, buckwheat. etc.
On finding a potential phytochemical for the prevention and treatment of reproductive diseases in women, researchers examined the effects of Anthemis austriaca Jacq. flowers in gynecological disorders, on the rat endometriosis model.
According to the results of the administration of the extracts from n-hexane, ethyl acetate (EtOAc), and methanol (MeOH) isolated from the Anthemis austriaca Jacq. flowers,
* The MeOH extract reduced the adhesion scores and endometrial foci areas from 3.1 to 1.1 (p < 0.01) and from 86.4 to 40.5 (p < 0.01), respectively
* Furthermore, the MeOH extract reduced tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), and interleukin (IL)-6 levels of the peritoneal fluids from 13.7 to 3.8 (p < 0.01), from 28.4 to 16.3 (p < 0.05) and from 50.2 to 24.3 (p < 0.01), respectively.
* Interestingly, After the MeOH extract was fractionated, the obtained subfractions A and C of the MeOH extract displayed statistically significant activity on the endometriosis rat model, particularly the compound β-sitosterol-3-O-β-D-glucopyranoside.
Based on the findings, researchers said, "flavonoids and sterols of the plant were detected as the possible compounds responsible for the activity".
Beta-Sitosterol, a major compound of sterols may be considered a remedy for the prevention and treatment of endometriosis, pending to the confirmation of the larger sample size and multicenter human study.
Intake of beta-Sitosterol in the form of supplements should be taken with extreme care to prevent overdose acute liver toxicity.
Natural Medicine for Fatty Liver And Obesity Reversal - The Revolutionary Findings To Achieve Optimal Health And Lose Weight
How To Get Rid Of Eye Floaters
Contrary To Professional's Prediction, Floaters Can Be Cured Naturally
Ovarian Cysts And PCOS Elimination
Holistic System In Existence That Will Show You. How-To
Permanently Eliminate All Types of Ovarian Cysts Within 2 Months
Back to Kyle J. Norton's Homepage
Author Biography
Kyle J. Norton (Scholar, Master of Nutrition, All right reserved)
Health article writer and researcher; Over 10.000 articles and research papers have been written and published online, including worldwide health, ezine articles, article base, health blogs, self-growth, best before it's news, the karate GB daily, etc.,.
Named TOP 50 MEDICAL ESSAYS FOR ARTISTS & AUTHORS TO READ by Named 50 of the best health Tweeters Canada - Huffington Post
Nominated for shorty award over last 4 years
Some articles have been used as references in medical research, such as international journal Pharma and Bioscience, ISSN 0975-6299.
(1) Promising activity of Anthemis austriaca Jacq. on the endometriosis rat model and isolation of its active constituents by Ilhan M1,2,3, Ali Z3, Khan IA3, Taştan H4, Küpeli Akkol E. (PubMed)
The endometrium is also a reproductive organ where the implantation takes place. In the absence of periodic hormonal influence, before puberty or following menopause, this tissue has a constant morphology and thickness.
Endometriosis is a painful disorder characterized by endometrial cells that grow in another area in the reproductive organs, such as ovaries, fallopian tubes,..... and the tissue lining your pelvis, outside of the uterus.
The causes of endometriosis are debatable. Some researchers suggested that normally a layer of the endometrial lining in the inside of the uterus is expelled through menstruation, during the last stage of the menstrual cycle, instead, some of the endometrial tissues grow somewhere else in the body, causing endometriosis.
According to the stage of severity, endometriosis can be classified into,
* Minimal stage:
The top surface, few in number. Commonly they are found in the inside wall of uterus, ligaments, and ovary.
* Mild stage:
Deeper implants, greater numbers are presented. Commonly found in the same area as a minimal stage.
* Moderate stage:
Many implants, endometrial cysts present, affecting ovary function, causing scar tissues and adhesion is also present.
* Severe stage:
Intensive peritoneal implants, large endometromas present and dense adhesion.
Each woman experiences differently from endometriosis. Some women may have extensive endometrial tissues in their body but feel little or no pain at all, while other women may only be in the early stage of endometriosis but have excessive pain.
Beta-Sitosterol is a phytochemical in the class of phytosterols, belongings to the group of Lipids, found abundantly in avocados, rice bran, wheat germ, corn oils, fennel, peanuts, soybeans, hawthorn, basil, buckwheat. etc.
On finding a potential phytochemical for the prevention and treatment of reproductive diseases in women, researchers examined the effects of Anthemis austriaca Jacq. flowers in gynecological disorders, on the rat endometriosis model.
According to the results of the administration of the extracts from n-hexane, ethyl acetate (EtOAc), and methanol (MeOH) isolated from the Anthemis austriaca Jacq. flowers,
* The MeOH extract reduced the adhesion scores and endometrial foci areas from 3.1 to 1.1 (p < 0.01) and from 86.4 to 40.5 (p < 0.01), respectively
* Furthermore, the MeOH extract reduced tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), and interleukin (IL)-6 levels of the peritoneal fluids from 13.7 to 3.8 (p < 0.01), from 28.4 to 16.3 (p < 0.05) and from 50.2 to 24.3 (p < 0.01), respectively.
* Interestingly, After the MeOH extract was fractionated, the obtained subfractions A and C of the MeOH extract displayed statistically significant activity on the endometriosis rat model, particularly the compound β-sitosterol-3-O-β-D-glucopyranoside.
Based on the findings, researchers said, "flavonoids and sterols of the plant were detected as the possible compounds responsible for the activity".
Beta-Sitosterol, a major compound of sterols may be considered a remedy for the prevention and treatment of endometriosis, pending to the confirmation of the larger sample size and multicenter human study.
Intake of beta-Sitosterol in the form of supplements should be taken with extreme care to prevent overdose acute liver toxicity.
Natural Medicine for Fatty Liver And Obesity Reversal - The Revolutionary Findings To Achieve Optimal Health And Lose Weight
How To Get Rid Of Eye Floaters
Contrary To Professional's Prediction, Floaters Can Be Cured Naturally
Ovarian Cysts And PCOS Elimination
Holistic System In Existence That Will Show You. How-To
Permanently Eliminate All Types of Ovarian Cysts Within 2 Months
Back to Kyle J. Norton's Homepage
Author Biography
Kyle J. Norton (Scholar, Master of Nutrition, All right reserved)
Health article writer and researcher; Over 10.000 articles and research papers have been written and published online, including worldwide health, ezine articles, article base, health blogs, self-growth, best before it's news, the karate GB daily, etc.,.
Named TOP 50 MEDICAL ESSAYS FOR ARTISTS & AUTHORS TO READ by Named 50 of the best health Tweeters Canada - Huffington Post
Nominated for shorty award over last 4 years
Some articles have been used as references in medical research, such as international journal Pharma and Bioscience, ISSN 0975-6299.
(1) Promising activity of Anthemis austriaca Jacq. on the endometriosis rat model and isolation of its active constituents by Ilhan M1,2,3, Ali Z3, Khan IA3, Taştan H4, Küpeli Akkol E. (PubMed)
Tuesday, January 10, 2023
Antioxidant Beta-Sitosterol Suppresses the Cervical Cancer Initiation
Cancer is a class of chronic diseases associated with irregular cell growth in the tissues of the affected organ.
Cervical cancer is a malignant neoplasm of the cervix uteri or cervical area caused by abnormal cell growth with an alternation of cells' DNA.
The cervix is the lower part of the uterus that opens at the top of the vagina. The cervix acts as a transition area for the vaginal lining.
Most cases of cervical cancer start in the cell on the surface of the inner lining tissue of the cervix. At this stage, most women with cervical cancer do not experience any symptoms.
At the advanced stage, invasive cancer can induce symptoms of abnormal bleeding, pain during sexual intercourse, and increased vaginal discharge. If the tumor has suppressed the nearby nerve cells, cervical cancer can also cause localized severe pain.
According to the American Cancer Society, in 2014, 12,360 new cases of invasive cervical cancer were diagnosed with the death of 4,020 patients.
The risk of cervical cancer is higher in Hispanic women followed by African-Americans, Asians and Pacific Islanders, and whites.
Other risk factors associated with cervical cancer are HPV infection, sexual activity, smoking, giving birth many times, infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV, history of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and long-term use of oral contraceptives/
However, most women with some of the risk factors have never developed cervical cancer.
According to the statistic, the 5-year survival rate for women with invasive cervical cancer is 92%. and approximately, 46% of women with cervical cancer are diagnosed at an early stage.
Beta-Sitosterol is a phytochemical in the class of Phytosterols, belongings to the group of Lipids, found abundantly in avocados, rice bran, wheat germ, corn oils, fennel, peanuts, soybeans, hawthorn, basil, and buckwheat. etc.
On finding a potential phytochemical for the prevention and treatment of cancer, researchers examined the effects of β -sitosterol, a natural product isolated from traditional Chinese herbs, on Caski and HeLa cervical carcinoma cells.
According to the experimental analysis, the application of β-sitosterol on Caski and HeLa cells showed an inhibitory effect on cell proliferation by reducing the expression of PCNA associated with antigens in cell cycle division.
The increased expression of p53 that suppressed the levels of tumor cells' mRNA levels and decreased amounts of HPV E6 transcripts produced by the tumor cells were also found in the β-sitosterol treatment of Caski and HeLa cells.
Furthermore, the treatment of Caski and HeLa cells also exhibited tumor cell apoptosis by inducing the loss of cell surface microvilli, increased electron density of cell membranes, and decreased organelles.
Based on the evidence, researchers said, "treatment of Caski and HeLa cells with β-sitosterol significantly suppressed the expression of genes involved in cell proliferation and oncogenic transformation, while augmenting the expression of genes involved in apoptosis and tumor suppression".
Taken altogether, beta-Sitosterol may be considered a supplement for the prevention and treatment of cervical cancer, pending the confirmation of the larger sample size and multicenter human study.
Intake of beta-Sitosterol in the form of supplements should be taken with extreme care to prevent overdose acute liver toxicity.
Natural Medicine for Fatty Liver And Obesity Reversal - The Revolutionary Findings To Achieve Optimal Health And Lose Weight
How To Get Rid Of Eye Floaters
Contrary To Professional's Prediction, Floaters Can Be Cured Naturally
Ovarian Cysts And PCOS Elimination
Holistic System In Existence That Will Show You. How-To
Permanently Eliminate All Types of Ovarian Cysts Within 2 Months
Back to Kyle J. Norton Homepage
Author Biography
Kyle J. Norton (Scholar, Master of Nutrition, All right reserved)
Health article writer and researcher; Over 10.000 articles and research papers have been written and published online, including worldwide health, ezine articles, article base, health blogs, self-growth, best before it's news, the karate GB daily, etc.,.
Named TOP 50 MEDICAL ESSAYS FOR ARTISTS & AUTHORS TO READ by Named 50 of the best health Tweeters Canada - Huffington Post
Nominated for shorty award over last 4 years
Some articles have been used as references in medical research, such as international journal Pharma and Bioscience, ISSN 0975-6299.
(1) Effect of β-sitosterol on the expression of HPV E6 and p53 in cervical carcinoma cells by Cheng D1, Guo Z1, Zhang S. (PubMed)
Cervical cancer is a malignant neoplasm of the cervix uteri or cervical area caused by abnormal cell growth with an alternation of cells' DNA.
The cervix is the lower part of the uterus that opens at the top of the vagina. The cervix acts as a transition area for the vaginal lining.
Most cases of cervical cancer start in the cell on the surface of the inner lining tissue of the cervix. At this stage, most women with cervical cancer do not experience any symptoms.
At the advanced stage, invasive cancer can induce symptoms of abnormal bleeding, pain during sexual intercourse, and increased vaginal discharge. If the tumor has suppressed the nearby nerve cells, cervical cancer can also cause localized severe pain.
According to the American Cancer Society, in 2014, 12,360 new cases of invasive cervical cancer were diagnosed with the death of 4,020 patients.
The risk of cervical cancer is higher in Hispanic women followed by African-Americans, Asians and Pacific Islanders, and whites.
Other risk factors associated with cervical cancer are HPV infection, sexual activity, smoking, giving birth many times, infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV, history of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and long-term use of oral contraceptives/
However, most women with some of the risk factors have never developed cervical cancer.
According to the statistic, the 5-year survival rate for women with invasive cervical cancer is 92%. and approximately, 46% of women with cervical cancer are diagnosed at an early stage.
Beta-Sitosterol is a phytochemical in the class of Phytosterols, belongings to the group of Lipids, found abundantly in avocados, rice bran, wheat germ, corn oils, fennel, peanuts, soybeans, hawthorn, basil, and buckwheat. etc.
On finding a potential phytochemical for the prevention and treatment of cancer, researchers examined the effects of β -sitosterol, a natural product isolated from traditional Chinese herbs, on Caski and HeLa cervical carcinoma cells.
According to the experimental analysis, the application of β-sitosterol on Caski and HeLa cells showed an inhibitory effect on cell proliferation by reducing the expression of PCNA associated with antigens in cell cycle division.
The increased expression of p53 that suppressed the levels of tumor cells' mRNA levels and decreased amounts of HPV E6 transcripts produced by the tumor cells were also found in the β-sitosterol treatment of Caski and HeLa cells.
Furthermore, the treatment of Caski and HeLa cells also exhibited tumor cell apoptosis by inducing the loss of cell surface microvilli, increased electron density of cell membranes, and decreased organelles.
Based on the evidence, researchers said, "treatment of Caski and HeLa cells with β-sitosterol significantly suppressed the expression of genes involved in cell proliferation and oncogenic transformation, while augmenting the expression of genes involved in apoptosis and tumor suppression".
Taken altogether, beta-Sitosterol may be considered a supplement for the prevention and treatment of cervical cancer, pending the confirmation of the larger sample size and multicenter human study.
Intake of beta-Sitosterol in the form of supplements should be taken with extreme care to prevent overdose acute liver toxicity.
Natural Medicine for Fatty Liver And Obesity Reversal - The Revolutionary Findings To Achieve Optimal Health And Lose Weight
How To Get Rid Of Eye Floaters
Contrary To Professional's Prediction, Floaters Can Be Cured Naturally
Ovarian Cysts And PCOS Elimination
Holistic System In Existence That Will Show You. How-To
Permanently Eliminate All Types of Ovarian Cysts Within 2 Months
Back to Kyle J. Norton Homepage
Author Biography
Kyle J. Norton (Scholar, Master of Nutrition, All right reserved)
Health article writer and researcher; Over 10.000 articles and research papers have been written and published online, including worldwide health, ezine articles, article base, health blogs, self-growth, best before it's news, the karate GB daily, etc.,.
Named TOP 50 MEDICAL ESSAYS FOR ARTISTS & AUTHORS TO READ by Named 50 of the best health Tweeters Canada - Huffington Post
Nominated for shorty award over last 4 years
Some articles have been used as references in medical research, such as international journal Pharma and Bioscience, ISSN 0975-6299.
(1) Effect of β-sitosterol on the expression of HPV E6 and p53 in cervical carcinoma cells by Cheng D1, Guo Z1, Zhang S. (PubMed)
Saturday, December 3, 2022
#Antioxidant Beta-Sitosterol, the Anti-Inflammatory Phytochemical, Researchers Say
Inflammation is a natural response by the immune system to protect the body against the invasion of stimuli or foreign pathogens.
Acute inflammation is a short-term condition caused by tissue injury, leading to pain, redness, swelling, and heat in the affected area, depending on the size of the injury. Some patients with acute inflammation may also experience the symptom of loss of function.
In acute inflammation, the white blood cells on the first line of defense of the immune system after sensing the danger of an infection in the body through a message from the brain stimulate the production of platelets to cover the site of injury or damage and inflammatory cytokines to kill off all pathogens before they can cause harm to the body.
Most cases of infection are stopped at the acute phase. The wound or injury is slowly recovered.
Chronic inflammation is a low-grade inflammation caused by the inability of the immune system to eliminate the invasive pathogens that occurred in the acute phase of infection.
Any inflammation that lasts more than 8 weeks is considered chronic inflammation.
Believe it or not, worldwide, 3 of 5 death are results from chronic inflammatory diseases like stroke, chronic respiratory diseases, heart disorders, cancer, obesity, and diabetes.
Anti-inflammation is the process that inhibits inflammation or swelling without affecting the immune property to curb foreign pathogens.
Conventionally, the most common use of anti-inflammatory medicines is over counter aspirin, ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, Nuprin), and other prescription NSAIDs.
Beta-Sitosterol is a phytochemical in the class of Phytosterols, belongings to the group of Lipids, found abundantly in avocados, rice bran, wheat germ, corn oils, fennel, peanuts, soybeans, hawthorn, basil, and buckwheat. etc.
On finding a potential phytochemical for the prevention of diseases involved in oxidative stress, researchers investigated the anti-inflammatory activity of β-sitosterol (BSS) isolated from Moringa oleifera in two cell lines.
According to the experimental analysis, over a dose range of 7.5 to 30 μM, BSS in the medium as nanoparticles with diameters of 50 ± 5 nm suppressed the secretion of inflammatory factors from keratinocytes and macrophages induced by ROS and proteins associated with the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines such as TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8,
The application of BSS significantly reduced the expression of NLRP3, a key component of NLRP3 inflammasomes that participates in the production of the pro-inflammatory cytokines interleukin-1β (IL-1β) and IL-18, and inhibited the activation of caspase-1, the precursors of the inflammatory cytokines interleukin 1β and interleukin 18.
NF-κB, the protein associated with the signaling of inflammation in macrophages was also partially inhibited by BSS.
Taken altogether, beta-Sitosterol may be considered a supplement for the prevention and treatment of inflammation, pending the confirmation of the larger sample size and multicenter human study.
Intake of beta-Sitosterol in the form of supplements should be taken with extreme care to prevent overdose acute liver toxicity.
Natural Medicine for Fatty Liver And Obesity Reversal - The Revolutionary Findings To Achieve Optimal Health And Lose Weight
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Contrary To Professional's Prediction, Floaters Can Be Cured Naturally
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Holistic System In Existence That Will Show You. How-To
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Back to Kyle J. Norton Homepage
Author Biography
Kyle J. Norton (Scholar, Master of Nutrition, All right reserved)
Health article writer and researcher; Over 10.000 articles and research papers have been written and published online, including worldwide health, ezine articles, article base, health blogs, self-growth, best before it's news, the karate GB daily, etc.,.
Named TOP 50 MEDICAL ESSAYS FOR ARTISTS & AUTHORS TO READ by Named 50 of the best health Tweeters Canada - Huffington Post
Nominated for shorty award over last 4 years
Some articles have been used as references in medical research, such as international journal Pharma and Bioscience, ISSN 0975-6299.
(1) Identification of β-Sitosterol as in Vitro Anti-Inflammatory Constituent in Moringa oleifera by Liao PC1, Lai MH2, Hsu KP3, Kuo YH4, Chen J1, Tsai MC5, Li CX6, Yin XJ6, Jeyashoke N7, Chao LK. (PubMed)
Acute inflammation is a short-term condition caused by tissue injury, leading to pain, redness, swelling, and heat in the affected area, depending on the size of the injury. Some patients with acute inflammation may also experience the symptom of loss of function.
In acute inflammation, the white blood cells on the first line of defense of the immune system after sensing the danger of an infection in the body through a message from the brain stimulate the production of platelets to cover the site of injury or damage and inflammatory cytokines to kill off all pathogens before they can cause harm to the body.
Most cases of infection are stopped at the acute phase. The wound or injury is slowly recovered.
Chronic inflammation is a low-grade inflammation caused by the inability of the immune system to eliminate the invasive pathogens that occurred in the acute phase of infection.
Any inflammation that lasts more than 8 weeks is considered chronic inflammation.
Believe it or not, worldwide, 3 of 5 death are results from chronic inflammatory diseases like stroke, chronic respiratory diseases, heart disorders, cancer, obesity, and diabetes.
Anti-inflammation is the process that inhibits inflammation or swelling without affecting the immune property to curb foreign pathogens.
Conventionally, the most common use of anti-inflammatory medicines is over counter aspirin, ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, Nuprin), and other prescription NSAIDs.
Beta-Sitosterol is a phytochemical in the class of Phytosterols, belongings to the group of Lipids, found abundantly in avocados, rice bran, wheat germ, corn oils, fennel, peanuts, soybeans, hawthorn, basil, and buckwheat. etc.
On finding a potential phytochemical for the prevention of diseases involved in oxidative stress, researchers investigated the anti-inflammatory activity of β-sitosterol (BSS) isolated from Moringa oleifera in two cell lines.
According to the experimental analysis, over a dose range of 7.5 to 30 μM, BSS in the medium as nanoparticles with diameters of 50 ± 5 nm suppressed the secretion of inflammatory factors from keratinocytes and macrophages induced by ROS and proteins associated with the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines such as TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8,
The application of BSS significantly reduced the expression of NLRP3, a key component of NLRP3 inflammasomes that participates in the production of the pro-inflammatory cytokines interleukin-1β (IL-1β) and IL-18, and inhibited the activation of caspase-1, the precursors of the inflammatory cytokines interleukin 1β and interleukin 18.
NF-κB, the protein associated with the signaling of inflammation in macrophages was also partially inhibited by BSS.
Taken altogether, beta-Sitosterol may be considered a supplement for the prevention and treatment of inflammation, pending the confirmation of the larger sample size and multicenter human study.
Intake of beta-Sitosterol in the form of supplements should be taken with extreme care to prevent overdose acute liver toxicity.
Natural Medicine for Fatty Liver And Obesity Reversal - The Revolutionary Findings To Achieve Optimal Health And Lose Weight
How To Get Rid Of Eye Floaters
Contrary To Professional's Prediction, Floaters Can Be Cured Naturally
Ovarian Cysts And PCOS Elimination
Holistic System In Existence That Will Show You. How-To
Permanently Eliminate All Types of Ovarian Cysts Within 2 Months
Back to Kyle J. Norton Homepage
Author Biography
Kyle J. Norton (Scholar, Master of Nutrition, All right reserved)
Health article writer and researcher; Over 10.000 articles and research papers have been written and published online, including worldwide health, ezine articles, article base, health blogs, self-growth, best before it's news, the karate GB daily, etc.,.
Named TOP 50 MEDICAL ESSAYS FOR ARTISTS & AUTHORS TO READ by Named 50 of the best health Tweeters Canada - Huffington Post
Nominated for shorty award over last 4 years
Some articles have been used as references in medical research, such as international journal Pharma and Bioscience, ISSN 0975-6299.
(1) Identification of β-Sitosterol as in Vitro Anti-Inflammatory Constituent in Moringa oleifera by Liao PC1, Lai MH2, Hsu KP3, Kuo YH4, Chen J1, Tsai MC5, Li CX6, Yin XJ6, Jeyashoke N7, Chao LK. (PubMed)
Sunday, November 27, 2022
#Antioxidant Beta-Sitosterol Exhibits a Protective Effect on Alzheimer's, Scientists Suggest
Neurological diseases are the medical conditions of brain disorders. Anything that involves structural, biochemical, or electrical abnormalities in the brain, spinal cord, or other nerves, including brain damage is considered neuro disease.
The most common neurodegenerative diseases in the elderly are dementia. Depending on the brain regions that are damaged or dysfunctional, dementia can be Parkinson's, Alzheimer's,... or Huntington's disease.
Genetic mutation inherited from parents such as the NOTCH3 gene is the most common autosomal dominant cause of stroke and vascular dementia.
Neurodegenerative diseases are a class of conditions associated with the progressive loss of neurons in the brain caused by several mechanisms, including toxicity and oxygen deficiency.
Dementia is a cluster of conditions including Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and Huntington’s disease, leading to a negative influence on the body's functioning, including balance, movement, talking, breathing, and heart function.
There is no single cause of the progressive death of brain neurons. Epidemiologically, genetic preposition and medical conditions, such as alcoholism, brain cancer or a stroke in the brain are some of the most common prevalent factors found in patients with neurological diseases.
The most common form of neurodegenerative disease in North America is Alzheimer's disease (AD).
Alzheimer's disease is a brain disorder correlated with major reductions of neurons to the respective target areas through the destruction of brain cells, causing cognitive modalities severe enough to affect language communication, memory, lifelong hobbies, or social life. Alzheimer's gets worse over time, and it is fatal.
According to statistics, over 25 million people in the world today are affected by dementia and most are suffering from Alzheimer's disease.
Beta-Sitosterol is a phytochemical in the class of Phytosterols, belongings to the group of Lipids, found abundantly in avocados, rice bran, wheat germ, corn oils, fennel, peanuts, soybeans, hawthorn, basil, and buckwheat. etc.
On finding a potential phytochemical for the prevention and treatment of neurodegenerative diseases, researchers elucidated the effects of sterol β-Sitosterol on the production of platelet Aβ in Alzheimer's disease (AD).
According to the results in learning and memory in amyloid protein precursor/presenilin 1 (APP/PS1) double transgenic mice which were treated with β-Sitosterol for four weeks, * β-Sitosterol treatment improved spatial learning and recognition memory ability, and reduced plaque load in APP/PS1 mice.
* β-Sitosterol treatment reversed dendritic spine loss in APP/PS1 mice and reversed the decreased hippocampal neuron miniature excitatory postsynaptic current frequency.
In other words, β-Sitosterol demonstrated a neuroprotective effect that may offer a novel pharmaceutical agent for the treatment of AD.
Based on the findings, researchers said, " these findings suggest that β-Sitosterol ameliorates memory and learning impairment in APP/PS1 mice and possibly decreases Aβ deposition".
Beta-Sitosterol may be considered a remedy for the prevention and treatment of AD, pending the confirmation of the larger sample size and multicenter human study.
Intake of beta-Sitosterol in the form of supplements should be taken with extreme care to prevent overdose acute liver toxicity.
Natural Medicine for Fatty Liver And Obesity Reversal - The Revolutionary Findings To Achieve Optimal Health And Lose Weight
How To Get Rid Of Eye Floaters
Contrary To Professional Prediction, Floaters Can Be Cured Naturally
Ovarian Cysts And PCOS Elimination
Holistic System In Existence That Will Show You. How-To
Permanently Eliminate All Types of Ovarian Cysts Within 2 Months
Back to Kyle J. Norton's Homepage
Author Biography
Kyle J. Norton (Scholar, Master of Nutrition, All right reserved)
Health article writer and researcher; Over 10.000 articles and research papers have been written and published online, including worldwide health, ezine articles, article base, health blogs, self-growth, best before it's news, the karate GB daily, etc.,.
Named TOP 50 MEDICAL ESSAYS FOR ARTISTS & AUTHORS TO READ by Named 50 of the best health Tweeters Canada - Huffington Post
Nominated for shorty award over last 4 years
Some articles have been used as references in medical research, such as the international journal Pharma and Bioscience, ISSN 0975-6299.
(1) β-Sitosterol treatment attenuates cognitive deficits and prevents amyloid plaque deposition in amyloid protein precursor/presenilin 1 mice by Ye JY1, Li L1, Hao QM1, Qin Y1, Ma CS. (PubMed)
The most common neurodegenerative diseases in the elderly are dementia. Depending on the brain regions that are damaged or dysfunctional, dementia can be Parkinson's, Alzheimer's,... or Huntington's disease.
Genetic mutation inherited from parents such as the NOTCH3 gene is the most common autosomal dominant cause of stroke and vascular dementia.
Neurodegenerative diseases are a class of conditions associated with the progressive loss of neurons in the brain caused by several mechanisms, including toxicity and oxygen deficiency.
Dementia is a cluster of conditions including Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and Huntington’s disease, leading to a negative influence on the body's functioning, including balance, movement, talking, breathing, and heart function.
There is no single cause of the progressive death of brain neurons. Epidemiologically, genetic preposition and medical conditions, such as alcoholism, brain cancer or a stroke in the brain are some of the most common prevalent factors found in patients with neurological diseases.
The most common form of neurodegenerative disease in North America is Alzheimer's disease (AD).
Alzheimer's disease is a brain disorder correlated with major reductions of neurons to the respective target areas through the destruction of brain cells, causing cognitive modalities severe enough to affect language communication, memory, lifelong hobbies, or social life. Alzheimer's gets worse over time, and it is fatal.
According to statistics, over 25 million people in the world today are affected by dementia and most are suffering from Alzheimer's disease.
Beta-Sitosterol is a phytochemical in the class of Phytosterols, belongings to the group of Lipids, found abundantly in avocados, rice bran, wheat germ, corn oils, fennel, peanuts, soybeans, hawthorn, basil, and buckwheat. etc.
On finding a potential phytochemical for the prevention and treatment of neurodegenerative diseases, researchers elucidated the effects of sterol β-Sitosterol on the production of platelet Aβ in Alzheimer's disease (AD).
According to the results in learning and memory in amyloid protein precursor/presenilin 1 (APP/PS1) double transgenic mice which were treated with β-Sitosterol for four weeks, * β-Sitosterol treatment improved spatial learning and recognition memory ability, and reduced plaque load in APP/PS1 mice.
* β-Sitosterol treatment reversed dendritic spine loss in APP/PS1 mice and reversed the decreased hippocampal neuron miniature excitatory postsynaptic current frequency.
In other words, β-Sitosterol demonstrated a neuroprotective effect that may offer a novel pharmaceutical agent for the treatment of AD.
Based on the findings, researchers said, " these findings suggest that β-Sitosterol ameliorates memory and learning impairment in APP/PS1 mice and possibly decreases Aβ deposition".
Beta-Sitosterol may be considered a remedy for the prevention and treatment of AD, pending the confirmation of the larger sample size and multicenter human study.
Intake of beta-Sitosterol in the form of supplements should be taken with extreme care to prevent overdose acute liver toxicity.
Natural Medicine for Fatty Liver And Obesity Reversal - The Revolutionary Findings To Achieve Optimal Health And Lose Weight
How To Get Rid Of Eye Floaters
Contrary To Professional Prediction, Floaters Can Be Cured Naturally
Ovarian Cysts And PCOS Elimination
Holistic System In Existence That Will Show You. How-To
Permanently Eliminate All Types of Ovarian Cysts Within 2 Months
Back to Kyle J. Norton's Homepage
Author Biography
Kyle J. Norton (Scholar, Master of Nutrition, All right reserved)
Health article writer and researcher; Over 10.000 articles and research papers have been written and published online, including worldwide health, ezine articles, article base, health blogs, self-growth, best before it's news, the karate GB daily, etc.,.
Named TOP 50 MEDICAL ESSAYS FOR ARTISTS & AUTHORS TO READ by Named 50 of the best health Tweeters Canada - Huffington Post
Nominated for shorty award over last 4 years
Some articles have been used as references in medical research, such as the international journal Pharma and Bioscience, ISSN 0975-6299.
(1) β-Sitosterol treatment attenuates cognitive deficits and prevents amyloid plaque deposition in amyloid protein precursor/presenilin 1 mice by Ye JY1, Li L1, Hao QM1, Qin Y1, Ma CS. (PubMed)
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