Green tea, a precious drink processes numbers of health benefit known to almost everyone in Asia and Western world.
The below articles are the 132 health benefits cited by medical literature from many online databases
1. Herbal Therapy, Green tea, the Best Anti-depression Functional Whole Food
2. Herbal Therapy: Green Tea, the Best Functional Food for Oral Health
3. Herbal Therapy: Green Tea, The Best Functional Food In Reduced Risk and Treatment of Breast Cancer
4. Herbal Therapy: Green Tea Reduce Symptoms Expression and Complications of Rheumatoid Arthritis
5. Herbal Therapy, Green Tea, the Best in Completed clearance of External Anogenital Warts Topically
6. Food Therapy: Green Tea, the Best Functional Food for Bone health
7. Herbal Therapy: Green tea, the Best Anti-Obesity Functional Food
8. Food Therapy: Green Tea, the Anti Asthma Functional Food
9. Herbal Therapy: Green Tea, in Reduced Risk of Early Onset and Progression of Dementia
10. Herbal Therapy: Green Tea in Prevention and Treatment of Prostate Cancer
11. Herbal Therapy: Green tea, the Best Immunomodulated Functional Foods
12. Herbal Therapy: Green Tea, Reduced risk of Early onset and Progression of Cognitive Impairment
13. Herbal Therapy: Green tea, The best Beverage for Lower Coronary Artery Disease Risk
14. Herbal Therapy: Green Tea, the Best Functional in Reduced Risk and Treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
15. Herbal Therapy: Green tea, the Best in Prevention and Treatment of Chronic Inflammatory Diseases
16. Food Therapy: Green Tea in Reduced Symptoms Severity and Treatment of Osteoarthritis
17. Herbal Therapy: Green Tea Reduced risk of Hyperglycemia and Early Onset of Type 2 Diabetes
18. Food Therapy: Green Tea, The Best Anti-Metabolic Syndrome Whole Food Medicine
19. Food Therapy: Green Tea may Serve as Functional Food in Reduced early Onset and Treatment of Hypercholesterolemia
20. Herbal Therapy: Green Tea, The #1 Functional Food for Prevention and Treatment of Metabolic Syndrome
21. Herbal Therapy: Green tea, The Best Drink for Reduced Risk and Treatment of Hypertension
22. Herbal Therapy: Green Tea, The Best functional food for Prevention and Treatment of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
23. Herbal Therapy: Green Tea, The Best or Worse Renal Disease Functional Food?
24. Herbal Therapy: Green Tea, The Liver Protective Functional Food
25. Herbal Therapy: Green tea, in Reduced Risk and Treatment of Alzheimer's disease
26. Food therapy: Green Tea A Potent Beverage in Reduced Risk and Treatment of Osteosarcoma
27. Food Therapy: Green Tea In Reduced Risk and Treatment of Lung Cancer
28. Herbal Therapy: Green Tea, The Nano-Beverage for Treatment of Ovarian Cancer
29. Herbal Therapy: Green Tea polyphenol epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) in Decreased Progression and Treatment of Her-2/ Positive Breast Cancer
30. Herbal Therapy: Green Tea (-)-Epigallocatechin-3-O-Gallate (EGCG) For Prevention and Treatment of Melanoma
31. Herbal Therapy: Green Tea Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG) and Theaflavin (TF) in Ameliorated Risk and Treatment of Liver Cancer
32. Herbal Therapy: Green Tea (-)-Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) in Attenuated Risk and Treatment of Gastric Cancer
33. Herbal Therapy: Green Tea Bioactive Polyphenol EGCG for Ameliorated Risk and Treatment of Colon Cancer
34. Herbal Therapy: Green Tea and Bioactive Saponin In Prevention and Treatment of Lymphoma
35. Herbal Therapy: Green Tea and Its polyphenol (-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate EGCG in Ameliorated Risk and Treatment of Endometrial Cancer
36. Herbal Therapy: Green Tea and Green Tea Epigallocatechin‑3-O-gallate (EGCG) In Ameliorated Risk and Treatment of Leukemia
37. Herbal Therapy: Green Tea Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) In Reduced Risk and Treatment of Esophageal Cancer
38. Herbal Therapy: Green Tea Polyphenols in Attenuated Risk and Treatment of Bladder Cancer
39. Herbal Therapy: Green Tea Bioactive Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate (EGCG) Attenuated Risk and Treatment of Atherosclerosis
40. Herbal Therapy: Green Tea in Ameliorated Risk and Treatment of Lifestyle-Related Diseases
41. Herbal Therapy: Green Tea, A Potent Iron Chelator EGCG in Regulation of Progression of Parkinson's disease
42. Herbal Therapy: Green Tea, Bioactive Epigallocatechin-3-O-(3-O-methyl) Gallate (EGCG3"Me) Anti Allergic Effects
43. Herbal Therapy: Green Tea, a Functional Food in Attenuated Risk and Treatment of Autoimmune Diseases
44. Herbal Therapy: Green Tea and Green Tea Catechins In reduced Risk and Treatment of Pancreatic Cancer
45. Herbal Therapy: Green Tea and Green Tea Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG) In Protection and Treatment of Retinal Degenerative Disease
46. Herbal Therapy: Green Tea Bioactive Epigallo-catechin-3-gallate (EGCG) in Reduced Risk, Progression and Treatment of and Neuro-Degenerative Diseases
47. Herbal Therapy: Green Tea and Green Tea Bioactive Catechins and Epigallocatechin Gallate in Reduced Risk and Progression and Treatment of Kidney Cancer
48. Herbal Therapy: Green Tea Bioactive Polyphenols In Reduced Weight Gain and Promoted Weight Loss
49. Herbal therapy: Green Tea in Ameliorated Hair Loss and Promoted Hair Re-Growth
50. Herbal Therapy: Green Tea in Protection Against Chronological and Photo-Aging
51. Herbal Therapy: Green Tea and Its' Polyphenols (GTPs) in Attenuated Risk, Progression and Treatment of Skin Cancer
52. Herbal Therapy: Green Tea and Its Bioactive Polyphenols in Reduced Risk, Progression and Treatment of Oral Cancer
53. Herbal Therapy: Green Tea and Its Bioactive Polyphenols Epigallocatechin-3 Gallate (EGCG) in Attenuated Risk and Treatment of Hepatitis B
54. Herbal Therapy: Green tea and Its Bioactive Polyphenols in Ameliorated Risk Human Immunodeficiency Virus -1 (HIV-1) Infection
55. Herbal Therapy: Green Tea and Lower Dose of Its Bioactive Polyphenols (-)-Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) in Reduced Cardiac Fibrosis in Induction of Heart Failure
56. Herbal Therapy: Green tea and Its Polyphenols in Reduced Risk, Progression, Complications, and Treatment of Liver Cirrhosis
57. Herbal Therapy: Green Tea and Bioactive Polyphenols Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) in Protection Against Memory Deficits
58. Herbal Therapy: Green Tea and its Bioactive Polyphenols Epigallocatechin-3-gallate in Attenuated Risk and Treatment of Autoimmune Hepatitis
59. Herbal Therapy: A Compilation of HOW Green Tea and Its Bioactive Epigallocatechin gallate EGCG in Reduced Risk and Treatment of Cardiovascular Diseases
60. Herbal Therapy: Green Tea in Modulated Gastrointestinal Phases of Digestion
61. Herbal Therapy: Green Tea and Its Bioactive Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) in Ameliorated Risk and Treatment of Ischemic Related Diseases
62. Herbal Therapy: Green Tea In Ameliorated Risk, Progression and Treatment of Liver Fibrosis
63. Herbal Therapy: Green tea In Modulated Fat Metabolism
64. Herbal Therapy: Green Tea in Ameliorated Risk and Prevented Onset of Intestinal Ischemia
65. Herbal Therapy: Habitual Green Tea in Ameliorated Risk of Stroke
66. Herbal Therapy: Green Tea In Prevention and Treatment of Acute and Chronic Constipation
67. Herbal Therapy: Green Tea in Risk of Gut Microbiota Imbalance in Induction of Obesity and Gastrointestinal Diseases
68. Herbal Therapy: Green Tea In Reduced Risk of Subarachnoid Hemorrhage (SAH)
69. Herbal Therapy: Green Tea and Its Bioactive Polyphenol in Reduced Risk and Treatment of All Forms of Acne
70. Herbal Therapy: Green tea and Its Bioactive Polyphenols in Protection of Cartilage Inside The Joint in Patients of Arthritis
71. Herbal Therapy: Green Tea and its Bioactive Polyphenol EGCG in Reduced Risk, Progression and Treatment of Psoriasis and Initiated Psoriatic Arthritis
72. Herbal Therapy: Green Tea and Its Bioactive Polyphenols EGCG in Reduced Risk and Treatment of Hepatitis C
73. Herbal Therapy: Green Tea and its Bioactive Polyphenols in Attenuated Early Onset, Progression, and Treatment of Osteoporosis
74. Herbal Therapy: Green Tea and its Bioactive Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) in Reduced Risk, Progression and Treatment of Lupus
75. Herbal Therapy: Green Tea in Alleviated Symptoms and Treatment of Chronic Back Pain
76. Herbal Therapy: Green Tea in Ameliorated Symptoms, Progression, and Treatment of Tendinitis
77. Herbal therapy: Green Tea In Alleviated Symptoms, Risk, Progression and Treatment of Polymyalgia Arthritis (Rheumatica)
78. Herbal Therapy: Green tea and its Bioactive Polyphenol EGCG in Attenuated Oxidative Stress in Facilitated Fibromyalgia
79. Herbal Therapy: Green Tea to Alleviate Symptoms, Onset, Recurrence and Treatment of Gout
80. Herbal Therapy: Green Tea in Ameliorated Onset, Progression, and Treatment of Juvenile Arthritis
81. Herbal Therapy: Green Tea And Its Bioactive Polyphenols in Reduced Risk, Progression of Fibromyalgia Caused by Sleep Disturbance
82. Herbal Therapy: Green Tea and its Bioactive epigallocatechin 3-gallate (EGCG) in Attenuated Risk of the progression of Fibromyalgia Caused by Inflammatory Rheumatic Disorders
83. Herbal Therapy: Green Tea and Its Bioactive Polyphenols in Reduced Alpha1-Antitrypsin (AAT) Deficiency in Induction of Fibromyalgia
84. Herbal Therapy: Green Tea and its Bioactive Polyphenol Epigallocatechin 3-gallate (EGCG) in Alleviated Symptoms, Reduced Risk, Progression and Treatment of Arthritis
85. Herbal Therapy: Green Tea Significantly Improved Glucose Metabolism in Prediabetics
86. Herbal Therapy: Green tea and Its Polyphenols for Prevention and Treatment of Colitis
87. Food Therapy: Green tea Ameliorated Psychologically Chronic Stress by Normalizing Adrenal Dysfunction and Treatment of Fibromyalgia Caused By Stress Induced Hypo DHEA
88. The Magic of Camellia Sinensis Leaves in Expression of Anti Influenza Activity
89. The Magic of Camellia Sinensis Leaves: Green Tea In Ameliorated Risk, Progression and Treatment of Pulmonary Fibrosis
90. Herbal Therapy: Green Tea, the Camellia Sinensis Leaves In Spelled Death of Tuberculosis in Third World Countries
91. The Truth of Green Tea and Cigarette Smoking Exposure in Lung Injury, Damage and Cells Apoptosis
92, Green Tea, A Potent and Cheap Mouth Rinse with 92 Health Benefits and Counting
93. Food Therapy: Green Tea, A Potent Ingredient in Inhibited Athlete's Foot (Tinea Pedis)
94. Food Therapy: Green tea in Reduced Risk and Progression and Treatment of Bacterial and Viral Infectious Diseases
95. Food Therapy: Green Tea Lotion or Ointment In Cure of Impetigo
96. Food therapy: Green Tea Abolish the Expression of Age Spots, US National Library of Medicine Studies Real
97. Green Tea and Its Bioactive Theanine Process A Great Potential in Tobacco Cessation
98. Green Tea and Its Bioactive Polyphenols That Inhibit Risks and Treatment of Candidiasis
99. Green Tea Extract EGCG, A Novel Topical Ingredient for Cold Sore, Scientists Found
99. Green Tea, A Health Beverage That Inhibits Expression of Seborrheic Keratoses in Skin Disorders
100. Green Tea and Its Bioactive Polyphenol Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) Kill Bacteria That Cause Carbuncle
101. Green Tea Extract EGCG, A Novel Topical Ingredient for Cold Sore, Scientists Found
102. How to Protect Your Skin Against Histamine Release In Induction of Hives Effectively
103. Green Tea Mixture (NM) Which Normalizes Skin Conditions of Hemangioendotheliomas, Biomedical Literature Suggest
104. Green Tea, The Beverage Which Blocks Onset of Ulcerative Colitis, Researchers Find
105. Green tea, The Beverage Kills Bacterial Staphylococcus and Streptococcus That Cause Cellulitis
106. Green Tea, The Potent Functional Beverage Which Protects Your Lung Against The Onset of Pneumonia, Medline Studies Find
107. Black and Green Tea, The Beverages That Block and Reverse the Onset of Dyspepsia, Naturally, Researchers Reveal
108. Green Tea and Its' Polyphenols (GTPs) That Protect Our Bodily Skin Against the Onset of Cancer, Scientists Say
109. Green Tea and Its Bioactive EGCG Which Process Anti Bacterial Activity Against the Onset of Atypical Pneumonia, Scientist Find
110. Green tea, The Beverage Which Processes Anti Viral Activity Against Onset of Pneumonitis
111. Green Tea, The Potent Functional Beverage Inhibits the Pathogens That Cause Pneumonia, Scientists Say
112. Green Tea, The Functional Beverage Which Protects the Stomach Against Gastric Ulcer
113. Green tea Bioactive Compound Theanine Which Protects the Brain Against Manic and Depressive Episodes in Bipolar Disorder
114. Green Tea, the Beverage Which Inhibits Airway Inflammatory Diseases
115. Green Tea, the Beverage May Speeds Up the Healing of Chronic Back Pain
116. Beware of Drug Interaction of Green tea and Green Tea Extract, Scientists Warn
117. Green Tea and Its Bioactive Polyphenols Inhibit Alpha1-Antitrypsin (AAT) Deficiency Against the Onset of Fibromyalgia
118. Green Tea, The Beverage In the Alleviated Symptoms, Reduces Risk and Treatment of Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR)
119. Green Tea, The Beverage Inhibits The Excessive Uric Acid That Cause Acute and Chronic Gout
120. Green Tea Protects the Child Joints Against the Onset of Juvenile Arthritis
121. Green tea, The Beverage Which Ameliorates Symptoms and Treats Depression and Anxiety
122. Green Tea and its Bioactive Polyphenols Suppress the Onset and Progression of Osteoporosis, Medline Studies Find
123. Green Tea, The Beverage, Which Improves The Brain Functions in All Aspects, Studies Show
124. Green tea Polyphenols, the Potential Candidate for Treatment of Spinal Muscular Atrophy, Scientists Find
125.Green Tea (-)-Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), The Potential Lewy Body Disease Inhibitor, Scientists Discover
126. Green Tea GTE and EGCG, The Natural Anti Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Supplements
127. Low Caffeine Green Tea Reduces Stress and Improves Sleep Quality, Scientists Say
128. Green Tea and Its polyphenol (-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate EGCG Kill Over 84% of Endometrial Cancer Cells, Scientists Reveal
129. Green Tea Polyphenols (GrTPs), the Bioactive Ingredient Which Protects Sperm Quality and Integrity Against Infertility, Scientists Find
130. Green Tea, A Potential Healthy and Longevity Functional Food, Scientists Find
131. Green Tea, The Beverage Which Protects the Brain Functioning Against the Onset of Mood Disorders
132. Green Tea and its Bioactive Polyphenols Suppress the Onset and Progression of Osteoporosis, Medline Studies Find
133. (EGCG), The Bioactive Compound Which Kills Esophageal Cancer Cells Before Spreading
134. Green Tea Polyphenols (GrTPs), the Anti Female Infertility Bioactive Ingredient, Scientists Find
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Author Biography
Kyle J. Norton (Scholar, Master of Nutrition, All right reserved)
Health article writer and researcher; Over 10.000 articles and research papers have been written and published online, including worldwide health, ezine articles, article base, health blogs, self-growth, best before it's news, the karate GB daily, etc.,.
Named TOP 50 MEDICAL ESSAYS FOR ARTISTS & AUTHORS TO READ by Named 50 of the best health Tweeters Canada - Huffington Post
Nominated for shorty award over last 4 years
Some articles have been used as references in medical research, such as international journal Pharma and Bioscience, ISSN 0975-6299.
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